Sight Unseen, in partnership with Bell Media’s CTV, follows Tess Avery (Dolly Lewis, The Dutchman’s Pipe), a top homicide detective who is forced to quit the job she loves after nearly killing her par...
本片根据英国作家狄更斯1838年的名著《雾都孤儿》改编。 孤儿奥利弗(巴尼?克拉克 Barney Clark 饰)由教会抚养长大,9岁时被送去童工厂拣填絮,后被卖给棺材铺当学徒,屡受欺侮。奥利弗从棺材铺逃跑,步行七十英里到达伦敦,遇见小偷“机警鬼”(哈利?伊登 Harry Eden 饰),并被收入犹太老头费金(本?金斯利 Ben Kinsley 饰)的盗窃团伙。奥利弗第一次出徒便被诬陷偷窃布朗...
Award-winning crime writer Ann Cleeves' bestselling detective series returns for a fifth season as DI Jimmy Perez faces a compelling new single mystery. A human hand washes up on a Shetland beac...